This is a rare and potent work created by our own Andrew Naughton, an expert demonologist and Scholar versed in rare psychic attacks, directed energy meant to create Chaos and despair, dark targeting of individuals, demon attachments, entity attachments and hundreds of rare dark works. Andrew, entered our circle when one of the elder Scholars from England passed away a few years ago. He is a MASTER of halting energy attacks, psychic warfare, targeting, gang energy stalking and energy and mental manipulation. He has assisted Scholars in creating advanced works, however, now we have asked him to create works specifically for the highest protection of those who have asked for our assistance.
This a method of elimination of the core root of attack energies. By eliminating the cycle where it began, and finding the point in which it turned into a core energy that emitted outwards and was directed towards one or those one loves, the core energy can be altered and stopped
Once this occures, Andrew can halt the core root of the attacks and change the energy from being putward and altering it to remain within the indovodual or goup at the root of the directed energies
*****However, we highly recommend that if you are continuing to experience symptoms..this is normal within 48 hours
Andrew works with a combination of all of frequencies of energyo find the perfect balance to provide the necessary healing for you at this time.
My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!