Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Gleim CPA Exam Audio Review for the Auditing, AUD Section of the CPA Exam contains 8 CDs that are an excellent way to learn the material you need for the CPA exam during non-traditional study time, such as while driving to work. The Gleim CPA Regulation audio review series consists of one 30-minute overview for each of the 20 Gleim study units covering the Regulation section of the exam. The purpose of these overviews is to explain core concepts so you have a frame of reference for the details covered in our book, Test Prep Software Download Download, and Gleim Online. Product Features: - One Overview per Study Unit - 20 Study Units - Each Overview Averages 30 Minutes - Alternating Narrators - The end of each overview features a CPA prep tip, one-half minute to 2 minutes in length. The CPA prep tips cover topics such as: - Study discipline - Use of note cards while studying - Educated guessing at the exam Exam tactics