Title: Nancy Drew Mystery Stories - The Quest of the Missing Map
Author: Carolyn Keene
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
Copyright Date: 1942
Edition: N/A
Binding: Blue hardcover with embossed orange title and graphic
Pages: 213
Illustrated: Frontispiece only
Interior Condition: Solid binding, complete and intact aside from some netting visible between last blank pages, no tears, no dog ears, no writing. Good, with some page browning
Exterior Condition: Good, with some edge and corner wear (See images)
Dust Jacket: Yes, in poor condition with tears and tape repairs
Size: 12mo (5 1/4 x 7 5/8 x 1)
Comments: Title page lists to "Mystery of Moss-Covered Mansion" Inside dj front flap lists to "Quest of the Missing Map." Inside back dj flap lists Dana Girls series to "Portrait in the Sand." Back cover dj lists Judy Bolton Mysteries to "The Mark on the Mirror."