Scrabble Wood Replacement Tiles.
Pick out whichever letters you need for your craft project. I have over 10,000 of these letters.
Fantastic for craft projects. Open your imagination and create something cool out of these. Perfect for Christmas ornaments. Great for wedding ideas. Or anything you can think of.
Scrabble tiles are .70 X .78 X .15 inches. This is a very close approximation of the size. And please notice the decimal points before the numbers. That means all those dimensions are under an inch each. I realize this doesn't apply to most of you, but the IQ of this country is going down the tubes. And if I didn't mention the decimal point being before the numbers I can assure you that I would receive complaints from people stating that they were somehow expecting 7 inch scrabble tiles. It's a crazy world out there. Just trying to supply some joy and creativity to people without being driven insane by those same people I'm trying to help smile.
So again I think these scrabble tiles are wonderful for craft projects. I always smile when I'm being creative and creating a gift for someone else. I know you will too.