This is an authentic Charlie 1 Horse Fur Felt western cowboy hat. Leather hatband with inscriptions " Charlie 1 Horse Custom Designed Hats", 4X Fur Felt and an WAEMA Authentic Products circular emblem. A sillk Interior hat lining with Charlie 1 Horse text and logo emblazoned at the top.
The brim of the hat is approximately 3 1/2 inches and is app 5 inches tall.
On the outside of the hat is the company's logo with a single horseshoe inside of a rope.
the hat has been sanitized using "10 seconds " disinfecting spray inside and out, along with a minimum of 12 hours of direct sunlight all around. Several applications of Bickmore Foaming Dark hat cleaner and finished with Bickmore Gard-More water & stain repellent.
Has hat box, and original factory sizing information.