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Wedgwood 1920s Ferrara Italy ship platter 12 1/4" BLUE AND PURPLE WARE PICK1 ^^

Item Description
Wedgwood 1920s Ferrara Italy ship platter 12 1/4" BRLEU AND PURPLE WARE PICK1
1- Wedgwood BLUE 1920s Ferrara Italy ship platter 12 1/4" diameter, gorgeous floral border with the stamp Ferrara Etruria England Wedgwood. Glaze is crazed, minor signs of wear, light surface scratches, there was a repair in the border, painted in blue, shown in one of the pictures. Priced accordingly
2- Wedgwood PURPLE 1920s Ferrara Italy ship platter 12 1/4" diameter, gorgeous floral border with the stamp Ferrara Etruria England Wedgwood. Glaze is crazed, minor signs of wear, light surface scratches, [*a4-1-J]


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