Adenium Obesum Desert Rose Desert Rose 8 seeds

Adenium Obesum - "Double Honour", "Holy Crown", ''King Fabuilos", ''Double Secret Bloom'',''Mistique'',''Double Sweet Candy''

Before sowing the seeds, remember to soak them first in water. If your seeds are more fresh, then soaking for 2-24 hours can compensate for moisture loss over time, soaking for 24 hours will help soften up the shell & boost germination rate. Get a well-draining potting mix with perlite or use a sand and soil mix. You can soak the seeds in advance for several hours or up to a day to rehydrate them, then place one seed every 2 inches onto the growing medium. Cover lightly with a thin layer of soil mix.

Water from below daily and from above once every three days until the seedlings appear. Place the growing tray or container on a heating pad and keep the temperature of the growing medium at between 80 and 85 F. (27-29 C.).

Once the seedlings appear, water only from below. In about a month, the seedlings will be large enough to transplant to a permanent container.

Keep the pot in a well-lit windowsill, but out of direct sunlight. For best results, put the adenium on a south-facing or west-facing wall. Spray the growing medium with water every other day. Adeniums do not require a lot of water, but the seeds should stay moist while germinating.

At about 2 months, they are about 2 to 3 inches in length and remember they are not so delicate or sensitive as you might think. You can transplant or repot them easily. Adenium Obesum) Desert Rose

Our planting instruction is a recommendation purposes only. Please choose your own method of rooting that will work for you or research the internet for more info and tips.