Among the various classifications of angels, one intriguing group is known as the “36 Angels of the Zodiac” or "36 Angels of the Decans." The decans, derived from the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian astrological systems, divide the zodiac into thirty-six segments, each covering ten degrees of celestial longitude. These decans are associated with specific degrees of the zodiac and hold symbolic significance in understanding the deeper cosmic influences at play in our lives. The 36 Angels of the Decans are believed to govern these celestial divisions, infusing them with divine energy and wisdom.

The origins of these 36 Angels can also be traced back within the teachings of Kabbalah. Within those teachings, the 36 Angels of the Decans are associated with the divine attributes and energies that emanate from the divine source. They are seen as intermediaries between the divine realm and human consciousness, guiding and influencing the cosmic forces that shape our lives. Each angel is believed to embody specific qualities and virtues, and their names and attributes are considered sacred.

The study, invocation and attunement of these 36 Angels serve as a means of accessing and harnessing the divine energies associated with each decan. It is believed that by connecting with these angels, one can tap into their corresponding celestial influences and receive guidance, healing, and spiritual illumination. This practice is often undertaken by those seeking deeper insights into the mysteries of the universe, personal transformation, and the pursuit of divine wisdom.

As with any spiritual practice, cultivating a state of inner stillness, mindfulness, and receptivity is vital when working with the 36 Angels of the Zodiac/Decans. This allows for a deeper attunement to their energies and facilitates clearer communication and guidance from the angelic realm.

In conclusion, these 36 Angels offer a pathway to explore and connect with the celestial forces that govern the various degrees of the zodiac. By working with these angels, individuals can tap into divine wisdom, receive guidance, healing, protection, and manifest their desires in alignment with the cosmic energies. It is through this deep connection with the angelic realm that seekers can unfold their spiritual potential, expand their consciousness, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Some of the benefits of receiving the energy attunement of this angel of the zodiac include:

  1. Intuitive decision-making: Rahadetz brings the gift of intuition to help you make decisions that lead to financial abundance. The angel's presence enhances your ability to tap into your inner wisdom and make choices that align with your financial goals.
  2. Manifestation of money: Rahadetz facilitates a vibrational state that supports the manifestation of money in your life. By working with this angel, you can align your energy with the frequency of abundance, making it easier for financial opportunities to come your way.
  3. Feeling of abundance: The angel helps you cultivate a deep sense of abundance, where you feel that money comes easily and that all your needs are readily met. This state of abundance is characterized by contentment and ease, without the constant yearning for more.
  4. Intuition for recognizing opportunities: Rahadetz improves your intuition so that you can recognize opportunities that have the potential to increase abundance in your life. This heightened intuition guides you towards favorable financial prospects and enables you to seize them with confidence.
  5. Bold and imaginative planning: With the angel's support, you can make bold and imaginative plans for your financial future. Rahadetz empowers you to think outside the box and explore innovative strategies for generating wealth, all while maintaining a grounded and responsible approach.
  6. Cultivating self-respect: Rahadetz assists you in cultivating self-respect, helping you recognize and honor your own worth. This aspect is crucial in attracting abundance, as it aligns your self-perception with the prosperity you desire.
  7. Easing doubts and fears: The angel's energy helps alleviate doubts, fears, and insecurities related to your financial well-being. Rahadetz provides a sense of reassurance and confidence, allowing you to release limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset of abundance.
  8. Overcoming guilt: If you carry any guilt or shame around money or financial success, Rahadetz can help you release these emotions. The angel's presence supports you in embracing the abundance you deserve without any feelings of guilt or unworthiness.
  9. Attracting financial opportunities: By working with Rahadetz, you become a magnet for financial opportunities. The angel's energy aligns your vibration with the frequency of abundance, attracting favorable circumstances, lucrative partnerships, and prosperous ventures.
  10. Nurturing a positive relationship with money: Through Rahadetz's guidance, you can develop a positive and healthy relationship with money. The angel assists you in viewing money as a tool for growth, contribution, and creating a fulfilling life, allowing you to manifest financial abundance with integrity and purpose.


Rahadetz is the Angel of the Second decan of Cancer.

The astrological correspondence is Mercury in Cancer.

Rahadetz’s Day is Monday.