FULL COVEN 27X INSIDE THE TRIANGLE spell CAST for you by 101 year old Witch

OUR FULL COVEN LED BY Albina will cast this amazing SHIELDING STRONG POSITION CAREER Spell for you!!





This amazing spell is one that she renamed "Inside the Triangle", and it promotes strengthening one's position, whether this position is within career, relations, finances as well as health both physically & mentally and empowering one's spiritual energies, also creating a psychic shield that protects one from outside negative energies as well as transmuting such energies into positive energies and finally utilizing the power drawn in power allowing one to completely change the course of one's current path in order to achieve more successes and reach desired experiences!! Albina says that this spell has three main elements:

1) The Fleece in Hand- This element of the spell will greatly assist by drawing in the precise energies that will help to "strengthen" one's positive "positions" that are "working" for one. Albina says this could be one's job position, relationship, current finances, physical & mental health or any "beneficial position" that one has already achieved. She adds that this element will also "strengthen" weaker postions by directing the energies to empower the "positions that are not currently working for one". She explains that this assistance could be useful when one needs improvement in relations, career, finances or otherwise. She says that one can expect " the reassurance of continued success or even new success that has not been something that one has experienced before!

2) The Armor in Hand- This element of the spell will assist by surrounding one with a "psychic shield" that not only protects from outside negativity such as negative influences, attacks, environmental or residual negativity, but this shield will also transmute negative energies into positive energies that will actually benefit instead of harming one. She says that it is not uncommon for one "who bears such a Magickal to become empowered by negativity" as a result of being exposed to energies that become "a great enhancment" instead of a "detriment" one!


3) Stardust in Hand- Albina says that this final element of the spell will allow one to use the strengthening energies that this form of Magick has drawn in to "change the direction of the course that one is walking on" by first allowing one to envision the different courses that one may be overlooking, either by actually meditating and envisioning, dreaming or simply being 'struck' by this information". Then, Albina says that one will be able to utilize the strength that one has received by achieving stronger positions to "change to another course without great stress internally or experiencing chaotic disruptions to relations, career or other environmental factors as a result of such a dramatic improvement". She says that "this is a true gift that bestows not only the possibilities before one, one will also be able to create such life changing courses of action without overwhelming efforts or damage to one's current positions in life!"


Albina says that those who have had this spell cast for them have reported that they "discovered new strengths and paths in their life that have led to truly amazing and enriching experiences". Albina herself noted that "I have also experienced such amazing life events as a result of this very Magick that I cannot imagine that my life would have taken the course that unfolded before me with such simple grace without the assistance of this Magick!" GREAT THANKS to the wonderful Albina for all of her time and energy!!!!!!





In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELL'S ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!

