The Compleat Beatles DVD The Beatles
(Disc Only - Box / Picture Cover NOT Supplied)
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120 Minutes Paul McCartney John Lennon​
Plays In Any Country
Including USA / Canada / Australia / UK / Europe
Region Free - All Regions - NTSC Format
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The Compleat Beatles, released in 1982 is a two hour documentary
chronicling the career of the Beatles Narrated by Malcolm McDowell
it includes extensive interviews with a number of sources close to
the Beatles Some of the poeple interviewed are George Martin
Alan Williams Bob Wooler Bill Harry Gerry Marsden Billy J Kramer
Marianne Faithful Billy Preston and Tony Sheridan
It also includes archival footage of interviews with members of
The Beatles and their manager Brian Epstein The film also includes
early concert footage behind-the-scenes background on the making of
their albums and candid footage of their often obsessed hysterical fans
Main Titles Rock And Roll Music
I Should Have Known Better
Rock N Roll Roots Skiffle Jack O Diamonds
John Lennon
Paul McCartney the first years together
Venus Liverpool Rock
George Harrison Stue Sutcliffe
Name changes
The first gigs Hamburg
Bigger gigs The Cavern Hippy Hippy Shake
My Bonnie Stu abdicates
Brian Epstein
George Marin exit Pete Best
Ringto Star
Please Please Me Recording the first LP
She Loves You The fans
The Royal Command Performance Twist And Shout
The second album
The Beatles land in America
The Ed Sullivan Show All My Love
Concert debut I Want To Hold Your Hand
From Me To You
A Hard Days Night
First world tour I Saw Her Standing There
The fans A sprout of a new generation
Im Loser A healthy competition
Things We Said Today Ticket To Ride
Norwegian Wood Nowhere Man Rubber Soul
If A Needed Someone Beatlemania goes sour
Eleanor Rigby John experiments with drugs
A new album Strawberry Fields Forever
Piccolo trumpet - Penny Lane
Splicing together - Mr Kite
Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
All You Need Is Love
The Maharishi Brian dies
Magical Mystery Tour
Hello Goodbye Adios Maharishi
Yellow Submarine
Hey Jude
Mother Natures Song Glass Onion
Yoko Ono Revolution 9
The White Album
Making Let It Be Billy Preston Get Back
Ive Got A Feeling Internal strife
The Abbey Road album
The Pull Of Domenstic Life The decline of Apple
The Beatles were no more
Let It Be is released Let It Be
Epilogue End Credits Blackbird