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TITLE: TIME magazine
[The news-magazine of the century, with all the news, features, and vintage ADS! See FULL contents below!]
ISSUE DATE: September 13, 1948; Vol. LII, No. 11
CONDITION: Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)

[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

COVER: "BISHOP (G. Bromley) OXNAM -- Disunity is a denial." COVER painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker.

MORE MAGAZINES' Summary of Items of Interest:
NEWS: Thomas Dewey, Pollster Roper says Dewey will win, Lyndon Johnson, Coke Stevenson...
Capitalist system faces a new menace: Al Capp's "discovery" of the Schmoo [Fascinating, almost full page story on the Schmoo, and the threat it represents! Tongue firmly in cheek by the TIME editors! With an Al Capp Cartoon!]
ALSO:Eduard Benes, Queen Wilhelmina's birthday (of the Netherlands), The Water Of Arsoli...
RELIGION: Barth, Niebuhr, Hromadka, No Pentacost, Bishop Oxnam(Cover Story)
Austin of England -- Full page color ad.
PRESS: Collier's undergoes a facelift, Fashion magazine Kaleidoscope, Publisher Arthur Sulzberger...
ART: Charlot.
MUSIC: Billy Rose's parting shots to the MET, Happiest Band: Al Trace & Funsters...
RADIO/TV: Jack Grogan...
CINEMA: Marijuana in Hollywood -- Robert Mitchum, Vickie Evans, Lila Leeds. Movies: Private Life of an Actor, Rope (Alfred Hitchcock), John Dall & James Stewart, Two Guys From Texas.
BOOKS: The Rising Sun in the Pacific by Samuel Elliot Morison, Christina Stead, Stefan Heym...

THE CAMPAIGN: Ordinary Horse Race (National Affairs / THE CAMPAIGN).
THE PRESIDENCY: No Surrender (National Affairs / THE PRESIDENCY).
THIRD PARTIES: Eggs in the Dust (National Affairs / THIRD PARTIES).
REPUBLICANS: Rugged & Extensive (National Affairs / REPUBLICANS).
National Affairs: Off the Ballot (National Affairs).
National Affairs: Neck & Neck (National Affairs).
National Affairs: He's a Duck (National Affairs).
LABOR: Long Siege? (National Affairs / LABOR).
HISTORICAL NOTES: We Believed in Our Hearts (National Affairs / HISTORICAL NOTES).
TREASON: The Meatball (National Affairs / TREASON).
INVESTIGATIONS: No Alternative (National Affairs / INVESTIGATIONS).
MANNERS & MORALS: Americana, Sep. 13, 1948 (National Affairs / MANNERS & MORALS).

International: Moscow to Berlin (International).
THE NATIONS: The Chestnut Tree (International / THE NATIONS).
International: Berlin to Bonn (International).
COMMUNISTS: A Son of the Bourgeoisie (International / COMMUNISTS).
ECONOMICS: Harvest Shmoon (International / ECONOMICS).
THE NETHERLANDS: Farewell--with Pink Begonias (Foreign News / THE NETHERLANDS).
INDIA: E Pluribus (Foreign News / INDIA).
THE PHILIPPINES: From the Huks to Hibok-Hibok (Foreign News / THE PHILIPPINES).
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Death of an Optimist (Foreign News / CZECHOSLOVAKIA).
Foreign News: THE WATER OF ARSOLI (Foreign News).
Canada: NOVA SCOTIA: Of Mines & Men (Canada / NOVA SCOTIA).
Canada: THE SERVICES: Ten-Day Wonder (Canada / THE SERVICES).
COLOMBIA: The Thin Man (Latin America / COLOMBIA).
BRAZIL: Men In White (Latin America / BRAZIL).

COVER STORY: RELIGION: Religion: No Pentecost. Assembly of the World Council of Churches.

SCIENCE: Science: Can the Earth Capsize?. Science: Don't Be a Dodo. Science: Rockets at Work.
HEALTH & MEDICINE: Medicine: Ten-Year Prescription (Medicine). Medicine: The Old Family Toothbrush (Medicine). Medicine: A Drink for Drunks (Medicine). Medicine: Fat in the Fire (Medicine).
PRESS: The Press: 90-Day Wonder (The Press). The Press: All Dressed Up (The Press). The Press: No Contest (The Press). The Press: Untelevisable Times (The Press). The Press: Brimming Kup (The Press).
SPORT: Sport: Cruel, Isn't It?. Sport: After Ten Years.
EDUCATION: Education: Uncle Charlie. Education: Storyteller.

STEEL: Another Squeeze (Business & Finance / STEEL).
COMMODITIES: Surplus & Scarcity (Business & Finance / COMMODITIES).
CORPORATIONS: The Great What-ls-lt? (Business & Finance / CORPORATIONS).
PLASTICS: Worms, Beware (Business & Finance / PLASTICS).
BANKING: Payoff (Business & Finance / BANKING).
FACTS & FIGURES: Clicking Along (Business & Finance / FACTS & FIGURES).
OIL: Almost Enough (Business & Finance / OIL).
RAILROADS: Refunds? (Business & Finance / RAILROADS).

Art: Haymaker (Art).
Music: Billy's Adieu (Music).
Music: Happiest Band in the Land (Music).
Music: New Records, Sep. 13, 1948 (Music).
Radio: Pygmalion (Radio).
Radio: Comes September (Radio).
Radio: Name for TV Wanted (Radio).
Radio: Program Preview, Sep. 13, 1948 (Radio).
Cinema: Crisis in Hollywood (Cinema).
Cinema: The New Pictures, Sep. 13, 1948 (Cinema).
Cinema: Current & Choice, Sep. 13, 1948 (Cinema).
Books: The Moon & $3.50 (Books).
Books: Unpleasant Months (Books).
Books: Moral Leper (Books).
Books: Believers & Infidels (Books).

FULL PAGE vintage ADS include:
BORIS ARTZYBASHEFF painting for ALCOA Aluminum -- LADY BORDEN Ice Cream -- MERCURY -- CAMBELLS SOUPS -- The '49 FORD -- More doctors smoke CAMEL than any other cigarette! -- PLUS MORE FULL PAGE, and MANY smaller ads!

Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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