Opalite Healing Properties and Benefits
What Healing Properties Are Reported On Opalite.
Opalite has many physical and mental healing abilities that anyone can use with the right intentions.
People who experience insomnia or recurring nightmares find Opalite to be extremely useful.
It is also used to help people with irregular heartbeats.
This stone is perfect for protecting the heart from disease and strife.
Wearing a necklace of Opalite near your chest prevents heart attacks and even heartbreaks.
It works to clear the heart chakra while keeping your heart out of harm's way.
Opalite also assists in respiratory issues.
If you have lung problems, asthma, or anything else of that nature, keep Opalite on you at all times.
It supports the oxygenation of your body and gets rid of cysts and fibroids too.
This stone is often used to balance male and female energies. Everyone has a little bit of both,
and keeping them balanced is the best way to stabilize mood swings.
Opalite is terrific for creating peace in your life. It helps you move past old traumas and let go of painful memories.
Opalite has many positive abilities and can be used in a vast variety of ways.
In addition to its healing and spiritual benefits, you can use Opalite to attract wealth.
At work, place the Tiffany Stone on a desk or shelf to promote success in business.
This is a great way to improve your income.
It brings wealth and good fortune with its energy.
It's also useful in the office for other reasons. Opalite improves your communication with
others around the office, making it a great asset to have near when venturing into the professional world.
Opalite is great for attracting more clients to your business too.
As well as its wealth-inducing properties, Opalite is great at removing negative
energies and cutting negative thoughts out of your life for good. It helps to cleanse
your surroundings and restore relationships that have taken
on bad vibes due to a breakdown in communication.
That said, you should never use a crystal to replace the
advice and treatment of a qualified healthcare professional.