Hardback book with dust jacket, book was hardly used, previous owners name.
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Product description: With compassion and urgency, this book makes a plea for parishoners to engage in "grappling soul to soul with troubled lives." It looks toward a method of counseling which neither overlooks sin nor is reduced to a simplistic model of confrontation and exhortation.
"The local church should and can successfully assume responsibility within its ranks for restoring troubled people to full, productive, creative lives." "If we are to hope for success in such immense and seriously neglected responsibility, pastors need to return to the biblical model not of ministering to their people but of equipping their people to minister to each other by using their spiritual gifts." "Congregations need to regain that wonderful sense of 'koinonia' fellowship and pro practice true community." Author Dr. Larry Crabb is a well-known speaker, author of numerous best-selling books including God of My Father, Finding God, and Men and Women, and Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence at Colorado Christian University in Morrison, CO.