Sweet Bay Laural Tree 10 seeds
Sweet Bay is an evergreen tree or shrub in the laurel family native to the Mediterranian area.
In its native habitat, it can reach up to 60 feet tall. It has separate male and female plants with only the female ones producing the berry-like drupes. It tolerates a variety of well-drained soil types in full sun to partial shade. It grows slowly but has been used as a hedge or as a topiary. It needs to be brought indoors in
the winter in areas colder than zone 8b to prevent frost damage.
Soak the seeds in water overnight for 24 hours before sowing.
Fill a seed tray with soilless seed-starter mix, then spread the seeds out over the mix, about two inches apart, and press them lightly into the mix.
Place the seed tray in a location that receives at least eight hours of sunlight and a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Keep the seeds moist to slightly on the dry side as they germinate. Keep an eye on the progress of the seeds and be patient.*** It can take from ten days to up to six months for the bay seeds to germinate.***