These printable communication cards are perfect for adults, teens and children who are non-verbal or struggle with speaking at times e.g. Autism, Selective Mutism, Learning Disabilities, Hearing Impaired etc. The file consists of 47 pre-made cards in total, plus a blank template sheet to write or draw your own cards.

This set includes single words and sentences for example

Can I go to the toilet? / Thank You / I'm OK / I'm not OK / i don't know / I feel unwell / please / I'm hungry / I'm thirsty / I'm hurt / Can you help me ? / I don't understand / I need a break / I'm tired / I feel cold / i feel hot / I feel happy / I feel sad / I feel upset / I feel excited /I feel angry / I feel bored / I have Selective mutism / I have a headache / I am diabetic / I have Asthma / I feel anxious / I feel worried / I need a pencil / I need a ruler / I need an eraser / I need some glue / I need a sharpener / I need some crayons / I don't know how to do my homework / I forgot to bring my homework / I need to wash my hands / I need a tissue / I need some paper / I need a pen / I'm sorry / I love you / Hello / goodbye / I need a hug / I want to be alone / yes / no

How to create a communication lanyard;

1. Download the PDF document

2. Print off the pages

3. Cut out the cards

4. Laminate the cards

5. Hole punch

6. Attach to a keyring or lanyard

Alternately you can print and use as single cards.

Check out my shop for more resources to help Children with Selective Mutism, Autism etc

If you are looking for some specific cards expressing particular needs please contact me and I will be happy to design them for you.

This is a DIGITAL ITEM Nothing will be sent out in the post.

I do not accept returns for digital items however if you come across an issue please do get in contact and I will try to help.

Please note that colors may vary from screen to print due to the different types of inks and printers. Recommended to print on good quality paper / card.