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Product description: John L. Smith of Ok1ahoma.... “My father took my hand, shook it, and said, ‘I don’t know whether I'll ever see you again or not, and I don’t much care, ’and with that, he gunned the motor of that old 29 model Chevrolet, let out the clutch, and sprayed me with gravel from the street and he was gone!” Preaching has not come without its price for ]ohn L. Smith. When he left for Bible college his father essentially disowned him. No son of his, the elder Smith insisted, was going to be a preacher. More than 60 years later, ]ohn L. Smith has served as a Baptist pastor, Missionary, Teacher and Evangelist. This is the account of the extraordinary journey of this ordinary farm-boy from Oklahoma who felt the call of God and followed it. Dr. Smith has most recently served as founding Director of Utah Missions, Inc., a work aimed exclusively at witnessing Christ to the Mormons, as well as alerting the Christian community to the grievous errors taught by the Church of ]esus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) of Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Smith has made his lively and informative presentation (he prefers “inoculation”!) on Mormonism more than 5,000 times all across America. He is the author of thousands of tracts, pamphlets, tapes, videos, films and books, all of which have enjoyed world-wide circulation. Dr. Smith resides with his new bride, Pearl Gayle Smith, in his home town of Marlow, Oklahoma.