Exclusively by izida





The Hidden One 

Lord of the Setting Sun and Moon

The Time Lord

Earth Father

Giver of Breath

Giver of Life

Lord of the past and future


When Ammon came into being, nothing existed but him.

He is Self-Generated - he gave birth to himself.

He is the Time Lord.

He is an oracular Spirit because he controls time: past and future.

He is the Doubles Lord of Truth that indicate "yesterday" and "tomorrow".

He manifests as a man with a Ram's Head, as man or as a Ram.

He controls the gates to the realms of Night.

The Pharaohs ruled by his grace.

The Father of Pharaohs - he is also the Deity of the masses.

Ammon protects the rights of the poor in courts of law.

In his path of Ammon of the Roads he protects travelers.

He is the Deity of Oases, both physical and metaphysical.

Ammon provides sweetness, safety, and abundance among danger and deprivation.

His allies is Mut and Khonsu.


This is direct binding, online service. Nothing will be shipped to you.

Your full name and date of birth will be needed.

All instructions will be provided via email.


Payment Policy

I accept PayPal and Stripe.


By Legal Laws I am required to state the following: You must be 18 years old in the U.S. to purchase any Magic, Paranormal, or Psychic services. Services are considered purchased for the intentions of "entertainment only" by Law and this is not to be used as a substitute for professional care. I am also not responsible for any of harm from all the objects that I sell. You buy at your own risk. All of them are NOT in place of any treatment, legal aid, physician's care or advice of any kind. Please consult your GP or doctor for that. No specific result(s) can be guaranteed. I am not personally liable, in any way, for the results of the actions taken by the buyer. This is an "at your own risk" purchase. Any resulting effects in the real world you may or may not experience are in no way the responsibility of the seller. You agree to these terms and fully understand prior to making a purchase. As with all spirits, entries, and other magickals I can't be responsible for what happens or doesn't happen once you purchase your item.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Good luck and let all your paths will be blessed with

Peace and Love