Additional Details
Product description: A superior graphics package, Pokemon Project Studio has the added luck of featuring the hottest characters around. While kids will just love to play with their favorite animal friends, parents will appreciate the thought and planning needed to execute these artistic endeavors. Your Pokemon fan can print out a total of 81 little Pokemon critters with this printmaking program. (Combine with the Blue Version for all 151 characters.) In addition to printing their favorite creatures, kids can also make Pokemon banners, cards, signs, stickers, and more.
Target System: Windows 95 or Windows 98, 100MHz Pentium R processor or faster, 16MB RAM (32MB RAM recommended), 90MB hard disk space, 2X CD-ROM drive or faster, 800x600 display; High Color (True Color supported), a (monochrome and color) printer supported by Windows, and, optionally, on-line access for the Online Card Project