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This is a 1970's custom made vintage braided dark oil riding quirt with a 5 inch long engraved sterling silver plated handle and 12 inch long popper.  The braided rings and knots on the quirt are all rawhide.  The quirt measures 36 inches long in total from the top of the pineapple knot on the wrist loop to the tip of the popper at the base.  The braided wrist loop features a rawhide pineapple knot at the top and is 8 inches long.  The body of the whip measures 16-1/2  inches.   The quirt has been well maintained and the leather is flexible.  I purchased this quirt from the original owner who used to use it on his Champion gaming horse.  There is no maker's mark on the whip, and the original owner told me he couldn't remember the maker's name since it was purchased in the early 1970's.

 The dark leather may be kangaroo as was the typical leather utilized to make romal reins, reatas, and hobbles during that period, but I cannot say for sure.   The engraved large Sterling Silver ferrule does not have any dents or crimps.  There is some minor fading of the dark brown leather in a few spots from age.

This is one of the nicest collectible quirts, I've ever seen and would make a great addition to a Collection, but it's also in great shape to go back into the show pen too.   This is a really nicely finished piece for collector with a most discerning eye.