The Angry Birds game franchise gets adapted in this CG-animated feature., This animated adaptation of the hugely popular video-game series follows three avian friends as they put their anger to good use by fighting back against a hostile force. Red (voiced by Jason Sudeikis), Chuck (Josh Gad), and Bomb (Danny McBride) are all outcasts who don't quite fit in on Bird Island, a community of flightless fowl who pride themselves on staying positive and cheerful at all times. The trio hit it off after meeting at an anger-management class, and are the only birds who seem even remotely suspicious when a group of green pigs arrive on their island. When the swine's nefarious plans are revealed, only Red and his pals have what it takes to save the day. Peter Dinklage, Kate McKinnon, Keegan-Michael Key, Tituss Burgess, Sean Penn, Bill Hader, Maya Rudolph, Tony Hale, Jillian Bell, and Hannibal Buress also lend their voices to this comedy. Directed by Clay Kaytis and Fergal Reilly.
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