Officer, Continental Light Dragoon USA 1781, The Cavalry History, Collectable Figurine, Horseman Figurine


The Cavalry History, a reproduction of riders from different eras to trace the evolution and history, reproduced in standard 1/30th, or 54mm, a collection of Del Prado.

The figurines are made in a stable alloy of lead and zinc, with a remarkable finish, both in terms of casting, as paint. Hand painted.

The 1st Continental Light Dragoons regiment was first authorized 8 June 1776 in the Virginia State Troops as the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th (Captain Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee) and 6th Troops of Light Horse. On 25 June 1776 it mustered as the Virginia Light Horse Regiment. It was first adopted by and then accepted into the Continental Army, designated as the 1st Continental Light Dragoons on 25 November 1776.

Six months later, when General George Washington needed cavalry to counter that of the British, the Continental Congress on November 25, 1776 requested that Virginia transfer Major Bland's Light Horse to the Continental Army. Although reluctant, Virginia acceded to the request. Bland's Light Horse became the 1st Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons.

Weight 301gr