



🧘‍♂️ - Item Description:


" The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts, it's to stop letting them control you. "


- Gautama Budha




" Meditation keeps out Satan, it increases knowledge, it inflames love, it works patience, it promotes prayer, it evidences sincerity. "


- Philip Henry




" Meditation is the secret of all growth in spiritual life and knowledge. "


- James Allen






🧘 - About The Product:


From man's earliest recorded history meditation has been the key technique in his search for higher consciousness and, as such, plays a vital role in Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism and other Eastern religions.


James Hewitt gives here a clear, concise and practical guide to meditation as practised in both East and West. He is not solely concerned with one tradition or school but explores the different methods of meditation and encourages you to experiment to find the one that suits you best.


Quite apart from the metaphysical claims of the tradition, the value of meditation as a mental hygiene, including relaxation and serenity, is well attested. Most Westerners take up meditation to improve their physical and mental health because it releases stress and induces a state of deep rest and relaxation.


The practice of meditation as outlined here will help you to maintain physical health and mental clarity and equanimity.






🧘‍♀️ - Contents And Topics That Will Be Covered:




1. Meditation for Mystical Consciousness


2. Meditation for Better Health and Psycho-Physical Relaxation


3. How To Meditate - Poised Posture, Poised Breathing, Poised Awareness


4. Awareness Of Breathing: Counting Breaths


5. Following the Breath Or Mindfulness Of Breathing


6. Visual Meditation


7. Listening Meditation


8. Who (or What) Am I? Or the Onion Game


9. Love Finds the Way


10. Say the Word


11. Combining Methods






📜 - Personal Note And Benefits Of Meditation:


Pure awareness without thought, that's practically the result of meditation. Bringing the individual strictly into the present moment ... meditation basically shuts the voice inside our heads, the monkey mind that's constantly talking, it shuts it down makes the individual focus on the present moment.


Most Westerners are probably not taking up meditation for reasons solely connected with mystical goals. The good news has spread that meditation improves physical and mental health, principally by releasing stress. Medical scientists have investigated the physiological and psychological changes produced by the practice of meditation and found that it elicits a ' Relaxation Response '.  Meditation once or twice a day, on each occasion for about twenty minutes, will lead to marked improvements in health overall.


Countably meditation over a long period can also lead the practioner to spiritual awakening and mystical paths as well. However most people start meditation for surface level purposes such as deep stress relief and a better overall quality of life. Meditation also vacums negativity within one's mind as well along with many other life changing benefits, and its definitely an amazing tool when it comes to countering all sorts of mental health issues that are vast in today's society.

  • Check out this video by the YouTube Channel TopThink:



(^^ Where it explains and exposes some of the best benefits an individual can receive from meditation.)


There is absolutely nothing but benefits when it comes meditation.



