Extrait: ...the question is not about that. 4: le constater: establish that point. 5: Allons donc: see List of Exclamations. 6: aussi: Majorin was in the wrong, too, when he made so indiscreet a request. But then, why on earth do YOU come... 7: cinq... an: a hint that he does not expect Perrichon to charge him any interest at all, since only usurers would charge five per cent. 8: a de l'ordre: is thrifty.-Il faut ca: a very necessary thing. Lit., it takes that (for good management). 9: ca: very contemptuous when used of a person, as in English: And it goes to Switzerland! 10: la balustrade: a railing in front of the ticket window, to keep passengers in single line. ACTE I, SCENE VII 1: entends: note that this verb means: 1. to hear; 2. to understand; 3. to mean. 2: Sauf votre respect: Beg pardon, major, but... Lit., the respect due to you being preserved. Cf. the Irish expression, saving your presence. 3: autant vaudrait: idiomatic inversion = il vaudrait autant. Tr. you might as well. 4: on: the reluctance of the Major to mention his sweetheart by name must be preserved: anybody. 5: Allons, c'est bien: That'll do! See List of Exclamations. Observe the Major's impatience to get a letter, in spite of his running away. ACTE I, SCENE VIII 1: bulletin: in France the receipt for baggage is a slip of paper. Note the humor of the following exclamation: I'm checked! 2: Ce n'est pas malheureux: Time you were! Lit., It is no misfortune that you should be! She is cross and sarcastic. 3: va pour: an idiomatic expression, meaning let it go at. Here: We'll make it.-The French sou, or five-centimes piece, is our cent, ofwhich twenty make one franc. French money can easily be read into Americanmoney by multiplying by two and then dividing by ten. E.g. Perrichon' stickets cost him 172.05 francs; 172.05 X 2 by inspection = 344.1; divide by 10 by moving the decimal point: $34.41. 4: impression; see acte I, scene II. 5: je l'aurai laisse: I...