Did you know that it would take 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize 1 glass of Cola? STOP buying expensive sugar waters that can cause blood sugar spikes, joint pain, high blood pressure and cholesterol, poor mouth health (receding gums, tooth decay and cavities) and excess weight gain.

Why did I call this blend a fruit punch? Well, the red color reminds me of Koolaid or fruit punch, both of which kids love to drink. Unfortunately those drinks are usually filled with artifical colors, flavors and sweetners which is not what a growing child needs- unless of course, you want to set them up to be more likely to get cavities or to suffer from childhood obesity.

This is one of my favorite cold herbal infusions, that my children can also enjoy right along with me. The gentle yet nourshing ingredients are anti-inflammatory and strengthening to the heart and kindeys. The best part is that you can Just Add Water to make several mason jars full! Feel free to change it up by adding different varieties of mint, seasonal fruits and medicinal berries to top it off.

Ingredients:  Dried Hawthorn Berry, Dried Nettle Leaf, Dried Raspberry Leaf, Dried Hibiscus, Dry Sweet Mint, Dried Citrus Pieces

Aprroximately 1.75 oz

Resealable Packaging

*All Organic Ingredients
