Still in plastic from publisher.  Brand new.  NO Shelf wear.   Sells for $18 on 'Zon.
HARDCOVER Guide to pest control in and around your home. 340 pages. 1.45 lbs. Dimensions : 7.25 x 1 x 10 inches

If they are flying, crawling, burrowing or sneaking in to your home or garden, this book has the solution.

Do you hate spiders?    Has your house been invaded by ants, termites or cockroaches?

Is your garden a feeding ground for caterpillars, aphids, mites or grasshoppers?

Are you tired of rabbits or deer eating from the vegetable garden you worked so hard to create?    Are raccoons after your trash or tearing up your lawn?

Is your property infested with mice or moles?  Does your neighbor's dog or cat cause you problems every day?

Or would you simply like to enjoy your summer evenings without mosquitoes, flies or yellow jackets?

This book offers powerful, all-natural solutions to these problems -- and hundreds more. Every bug, pest, critter and animal related problem you can think of is covered 

in this comprehensive, detailed and creative book. And every one of the 1001 solutions in this book avoids the use of any kind of pesticide or other poison that could potentially 

cause harm to our families, our communities, and our natural environment.  There are over 2 billion pesticides manufactured in the United States every year. 

In 2002, more than 3.2 million people suffered medically related side effects from the use of pesticides. By using the simple, tried and true solutions 

provided in 1001 All Natural Secrets to a Pest-Free Property, you can make a significant contribution to reducing the damage caused by pesticides and other poisons.

This book has been designed to make it easy for you to find the information you need and gives you precise and clear answers to all your pest control questions. 

Protect your property and your family's health today!

No one knows more about natural pest control than world renowned Dr. Myles H. Bader. He has spent countless hours over more than ten years of research to find the answers 

you need to know in order to keep your home, garden and grounds free of insects and critters of all kinds. Most importantly,  Dr. Bader shows you how to do this without 

the use of poisons and toxic preparations.

SEO: pests, unwanted, control, safe, insects, non-toxic, natural, safe, effective, factory sealed, hardcover, New. Dr. Bader.