OM2022-1 Virtual 3D Graveyard on USB Flashdrive [no DVD]

Is a series of 20+ Virtual 3D Ground Video fx, that look 3D when viewed from an elevated view point. Virtual 3D was invented by Jon Hyers - the founder of Digital Decor [circa 1978] during a large visual effects job at a museum in Russia in 2007, to create video projected museum exhibits. Virtual 3D rats were the first to be created. Since then, many new fx have been created that mimic 3D images when projected on a flat surface. 


This product contains V3D Video FX made from 2007 - 2022, and will provide a range of amazing scenes that look 3D, on surfaces as small as a table, on up to floors and 1/4 acre yards. The brighter the projector the larger the scene can become. The largest graveyard scene requires a Commercial Class projector in the 4000+ lumens range, however the majority of these FX can be setup using the Profx Projector or others in the 1000-2000 lumens range. 


USB product comes packaged in our Haunted Windows Series color box, with an item label denotingVirtual 3D Graveyard.


The demo video shows the content.