Winston Churchill is quoted as saying he got more out of alcohol than alcohol got out of him. He must have been drinking from the Vino-tini; Australia's top rated party glass!

What is the Vino-tini? It's a bar accessory designed by a teeny genie in a beanie! It is too cool. This way up and it's a standard wine glass but ...when you flip it over.... wallah! It converts to a cocktail glass for martinis!

The great thing about this gift idea is that it is made from a durable, dishwasher safe plastic which is guaranteed BPA free. This means that no how hard the party gets rocking, you won't be running around sweeping up broken glass.

Remember a good friend will bring a bottle of wine to share. A best friend will bring novelty glasses to drink out of! And what could be better than running out of wine and switching to the martinis?

As far as online purchases go, this really is a sweet deal. Why? Because you get two for the price

Dimensions (Product): 17 (H) x 10 (diameter) cm

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