New Moon Energy-Brings Amazing Power
Set your intentions on a new moon and get ready for sensational fruition!
This spell package is going to enhance your psychic abilities, awaken your inner skills, provoke your inner witch/wizard, entice your brain so you can absorb more information!
Are you a seeker of great power, intuition, and great knowledge?
This is the ultimate psychic package for you!
Once cast you will feel things change in subtle ways: It is different for everyone you might experience things such as: Lucid dreams, dreams of loved ones past, communicating with you, connection to “Source” and spirit animals, manifesting, synchronicity, and signs. You may feel tingles, slight dizziness, just know things as thoughts come to you that you couldn’t predict before. You will feel your powers and a peace start to rise up and be amazed at yourself. Allow it to bloom. You might see colors as you drift off to sleep and may start to feel special loving angels and visitors that want to connect with you as well!
Read minds, see the future CAST SPELLS, Enhance your Psychic Powers, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Mind Reading and More!
PLUS OPTION FOR SELF-HYPNOSIS to FURTHER INCREASE YOUR PSYCHIC POWER! Use this recorded session anywhere, any time, and even share with family and friends, too!
Normally this amazing spell package is $120.00 usd, but for a limited time we are offering it for only $50.00 usd.
Spells will be cast on the 26th of Sep 2022, beneath the amazing new moon!
Get excited!! This is your moment where you are in full control. You have made the right choice to quit hiding who you are and take ownership of the power that you deserve to have! Congratulate yourself on an investment that is priceless. “Yourself”
Welcome to the family where you belong!
*Full easy to use instructions will be sent to your email address after purchase*
Hello my name is Rana Shahla
I am pleased to be telling you some information about me, Apart from practising white magic, I am also a well practiced White witch wiccan, black magick, medium, Spiritual adviser and Psychic.
I particularly specialize in haunted vessels, talismans and spells that help to better the lives of my beloved & important clients. I have been practicing magic, casting spells, conjuring spirits, and helping people through magic for over three decades!
My coven name Rana Shahla has important meaning behind it:
Element: Water
Language: Afghani
Meaning: Beautiful Eyes
I work with the coven of enchantment, this amazing trusted coven has 4 powerful witches who work well together everyday. I am the main source of contact for our coven, but all 4 of us work lovingly for you.
We hope that we can help you too, one day soon...
Please contact us any time for any questions you have...
Blessings to you & yours.
High Priestess Rana Shahla.
The Law requires that I must state that all paranormal/metaphysical items are for entertainment purposes only.
You must be 18 years of age or older to buy.