Hailing from the turn of the last century (1900-10), this double dragon Cyprus snuff bottle was literally created to honor Dragons and perhaps more importantly, the mythical creature known as the Pyrausta. To understand, first you must know that dragons, dragon lore, and everything having to do with dragons is deeply embedded in the Celtic culture of Cyprus. However, the Pyrausta is the chief tale among the stories within the culture and the Pyrausta myth stems from the following story:
In the copper-smelting furnaces of Cyprus, in the very midst of the fire, there is to be seen flying about a four-footed animal with wings, the size of a large fly: this creature is called the "Pyrallis," and by some the "Pyrausta." So long as it remains in the fire it will live, but if it comes out and flies a little distance from it, it will instantly die.
On the sides of this antique snuff bottle are reliefs of the mythical creature. With Cyrpus having been a hub of international trade, trade with the Chinese for many different commodities would've been common. This snuff bottle is a rare find indeed, especially fully intact and signed on the bottom with it's Maker's Mark.