Description: Pg… 16 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: "Mr. Big" Becomes Less Mysterious; Pg… 21 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: The President Speeds a Parting Guest; Pg… 22 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: British Cry "Murder" as Boy is Hanged; Pg… 24 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Oil Firemen Win on Gulf; Pg… 26 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Harbor Firemen Lose a Liner; Pg… 31 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Cairo has a Carnival for Naguib; Pg… 34 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: LIFE on the News fronts of the World; Pg… 20 EDITORIALS: Jerusalem: This City Needs U.N. Government; Pg… 20 EDITORIALS: New York: This City Needs Efficient Government; Pg… 58 PICTORIAL ESSAY AND ARTICLE: The World We Live In: Part II: The Miracle of the Sea, text by Lincoln Barnett; Pg… 107 CLOSE–UP: Dog of Distinction, by Robert Wallace; Pg… 36 RELIGION: A Consistory for New Cardinals; Pg… 48 SPORTS: Bevo Gives a Little Ohio College a Big Lift; Pg… 51 FASHION: Women's Suits Turn Loose for Spring; Pg… 87 THEATER: Satan Comes to Salem; Pg… 93 MUSIC: Yehudi Turns to Yoga; Pg… 99 ART: Lincoln's Face is Carved on a Sapphire; Pg… 101 SEQUEL: The High School Show Goes On; Pg… 4 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editors; Pg… 8 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Speaking of Pictures: Amateur's Photograph of Jet Plane Exploding Turns Up in British Contest Four Months Later; Pg… 116 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: LIFE Visits the King of Cambodia and Pg… 124 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Miscellany: The Fire at the Fire Sale.