by Kent Harrington Tucson, AZ: Dennis McMillan Publications, (1997). SIGNED by the author! First edition, first printing. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket art by Scott Musgrove. "Rogue DEA agent Vincent Calhoun regards Mexico in general and Tijuana in particular as his own private playland: he augments his government salary by smuggling upscale aliens into the United States for a sinister British villain named Slaughter. "Without realizing it, Slaughter had gone to seed. All the money he was making in the rackets didn't seem to matter--it was as if Tijuana was infecting him and he couldn't stop it. He'd gone completely native in that peculiar English way." Calhoun's perfect world starts to come apart when, weakened by fever and gambling debts, he lets Slaughter pressure him into taking a 400-pound gangster named Frank Guzman into California. That scene, like the rest of this relentlessly gripping book, begs to be filmed."--Fantastic Fiction. Kent Harrington is best known for Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), The American Boys, and The Tattooed Muse. A superb book in all respects! PLEASE VIEW FOR MORE GREAT SIGNED FIRST EDITION BOOKS THANKS! |