About the ring : SIZE 7, STEEL RED AGATE RING.
This spell calls upon a "warrior guide" that will help to greatly protect and forewarn the bearer of this piece when they are in danger of damage or harm. This includes not only physical protection , but protection of one's mentality and property as well. One will actually begin to notice that one's "warrior guide' will usually have a "language" of their own that makes it easier to communicate with one. She adds that every guide will have a different way of 'warning" the bearer and that this will become fairly obvious when one starts receiving these exact "signs" from one's guide.
ALBINA adds that in her own experience with her own "Warrior Guide" she has formed an very interesting relationship in which her guide "plays the exact same rare song" everytime she needs to be warned of impending danger or trouble. She says that this became very evident one time when she was in an office building about to sign the papers when buying a home. She explains that while she was in the elevator, the song her guide plays not only began to play, but it began skipping, which caused her to immediately want to leave!
She adds that the realtor, who had been with her, thought she "was insane for leaving because a song was skipping in an elevator", not to mention in trouble for backing out after showing intent to purchase the home. However, she soon learned her guide had given her a much needed "warning". It turned out that the owner of the house had "covered up" many flaws at the home's inspection, including the fact that the house needed and entire new septic system! This alone would have cost my friend $10,000 to repair! Therefore, she says that she is NEVER concerned with what others think about her following her guide's warnings. She closed by saying that she cannot imagine living without the protection her guide provides.
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