3.14159265358­979323846264338327950288­419716939937510582097494­459230781640628620899862 is the beginning of the awesome number that we know as "pi"! It helps us work out the circumference of a circle among other things and it's a fundamental of modern mathematics. Pi has its own day and now you can have your own pi shirt to proclaim your pi fandom to the world!

Pi is an "irrational number" which doesn't mean that it makes bad choices, it just means that the digits that make up the number carry on into infinity (we assume) without repeating. This mystique has lead to quests to calculate the number to more and more decimal places and some people make the effort to memorize as many digits as possible.

The clever graphic tee features a large white pi symbol on a black background, but if you look more closely you will see that the large pi is made up of the digits of pi in small print. Cool, right? You and your friends can use your shirt to check the results of a "memorize

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