Hardback, no dust jacket, previous owners name, text without marks. 1960 original printing. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: The messages in this volume were prepared originally for radio broadcasting. They were delivered over the two coast-to-coast networks of the Mutual Broadcasting System and the American Broadcasting Company. They are reproduced in this volume almost word for word as they were given over the air, with a minimum of editing. For this reason there is some repetition and frequent reviewing of earlier material. This repetition was intentional and is done to emphasize the main theme of the Epistle and the more important passages. The messages explore the relation between Law and Grace in the plan of salvation, which has been a burning question since apostolic days. The transition from the age of Law which ended at Calvary, to the dispensation of Grace was not a sudden change without incident, but a bitter struggle. It was not easy for the believing Jew, brought up under the law of commandments and ordinances, to accept without question the new message of Grace, not fully revealed or made known before Pentecost. To reconcile the "Gospel of the Kingdom," as preached by the apostles in Matthew 10, and Acts 2, with the Gospel of the Grace of God as preached by Paul, was not an easy matter. So fierce was the argument that it was thrashed out in the council at Jerusalem in Acts 15. Here it was decided that salvation by grace, wholly apart from the works of the Law, was for all, the Jews as well as the Gentiles. This Epistle to the Galatians was written to Gentiles in Galatia who had believed the Gospel. But the message is as much needed, and even more, in these days of a mongrel gospel of grace and law. We may well gather up the message of Galatians as follows: Salvation is not a matter of Law AND Grace, but it is a matter of Law OR Grace, for it cannot be both. Read Romans 11:6.