The CLASSIC PICTURE and FEATURE magazine with fabulous photographs, articles, features, and vintage ads! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! * ISSUE DATE: DECEMBER 31, 1963; VOL. 27, NO. 26 IN THIS ISSUE:- [Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] * This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER: In Memory of John F. Kennedy. Photograph: Christmas at the White House by Fred Maroon. [NOTE: THIS Issue was put out right after JFK's Asassination, and carries a small printed sticker on the cover announcing the last minute change in the contents, including 'In Memory of John F. Kennedy'] ENTERTAINMENT: DANIELA BIANCHI: Secret Agent James Bond's Second Girl Friend -- in From Russia With Love. ("...21 year old Roman Goddess is the second actress to get knocked about in the dangerous games of 007") [NICE article, with terrific photos -- SEE BELOW!] Produced by Jack Hamilton, Photographed by David Hurn. SPORTS: "I'm Only Human," By Sandy Koufax as told to Milton Gross. In-Depth article, with many photographs!] THE NATIONAL SCENE: In Memory of John F. Kennedy, By William Attwood. A Christmas Message, From Jacqueline Kennedy. The Story of the Presidents at Christmas, By Fletcher Knebel. Lyndon Johnson: Trained for Power, By Fletcher Knebel. Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston, By Joseph Roddy. He is 68. His jaw juts. His voice grates like a gravel slide. He is rough, he is no respecter of persons, but he wept when he learned that his young President was dead. He is the defender of an enduring faith, but he demands that it shed outworn ways. His Eminence, Richard Cardinal Cushing, is what he is, but he walks in the light of a man he calls the good Pope John. For LOOK'S story of this uncommon commoner and Prince of the Church, see Cushing of Boston, pages 62-66. Photographed by John Vachon. THE WORLD: Christmas in Wales. Photographed by Dennis Stock. FOOD: The Christmas Foods of Wales. Produced by Marilyn Kaytor, Photographed by Dennis Stock. THEY MADE OUR WORLD: Saint Paul, By Leo Rosten. Full page color painting by Eugene Berman. HEALTH AND SCIENCE: Side Effects: A New Worry for Doctors, By Morton M. Hunt. FASHION: How Dated Is Your Dinner Jacket? Twins Jack and James Hendrix. Produced by Iris Bauer. Photographed by Douglas Kirkland. Appealing Fashions for the Small Folks at Home. Children's Fashions. Produced by Jane Troxe4ll Stark, Photographed by Cal Bernstein. HUMOR: Look on the Light Side. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Oversized magazine, Approx 10" X 13". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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