The Repeater Live Trap is a re-usable galvanized metal rat trap that is an effective way to catch and release rats in a humane and friendly manner. This trap is designed to capture rats via a trap door that is triggered by a bait tray. Capacity of the trap is between 20-30 rats. A convenient transfer cage is used for removing rodents from the holding cage. This trap is cut and built in the U.S.A.
Please note that it will not catch mice; mice do not weigh enough to trip the trap door
Trap door keeps them in, but doesn’t let them out
Catches more than one rodent at a time
Live trap – you get to choose how and where to dispose of the rodents
Container (transfer cage) for removing rodents from main holding area
Cut and built in the United States
Hopper for the bait (bait not included)
Stopper rod keeps the trap door from falling and provides a way to entice the rodents with bait for several days before pulling the stopper rod to allow the trap door to fall
Trap door resets to repeat the trap
Bait tray releases the lever to drop the rat into the cage
Please note that it will not catch mice; mice do not weigh enough to trip the trap door
Traps rats, squirrels, ground squirrels, and other small animals that climb.