Plot: Battle to Victory in a World where Might Equals Right! Enter the realm of Chaotic and assume the role of one of its Creatures in this turn-based arena combat fighting game. Engage in explosive animated onslaughts that combine brutal melee attacks with vicious ranged assaults. Collect formidable battle gear, cast devastating magic spells, and boost your creatures powers as you unleash high energy attacks in your quest to master the merciless. Combine turn-based strategy and vicious ranged assaults to achieve supreme control over your opposition. Play as any of 40 different Chaotic characters, unleashing more than 30 powerful attacks in eight fighting arenas direct from the Chaotic world. Explore a thrilling new storyline developed specifically for the video game in Story mode or go toe-to-toe with a friend or artificial intelligence opponent in Versus mode. 042422-042422P-VG1
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