For your consideration a Vintage-
Geschichte der heiligen Angela Merici und des von ihr gestifteten Ordens der Ursulinen, einer Ursulìne. (History of St. Angela Merici and the Order of the Ursulines, an Ursuline, founded by her.)
Geschichte der heiligen Angela Merici und des von ihr gestifteten Ordens der Ursulinen bearbeitet von einer Ursuline, 1893 BUCH EIN DEUTSCH .
(History of St. Angela Merici and the order of the Ursulines
donated by her edited by an Ursuline, 1893 Book in German- Includes Writing Inside).
This piece
is an interesting step back in time. Ready for a new collector's home.
This scarce antiquarian book was property of Ursuline College,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Size approximately: 9 x 6 inches, 936+
Condition: (Fair to Acceptable).
The Hardback, wear to the covers and
spine, some pages are marking and staining. The front , back covers detached
from the spine, so this VERY RARE book should be rebound in some point.
Cosmetic condition is as
clearly and accurately shown in the high-definition pictures provided.
Please inspect all of them
This Vintage Religious Rare
German Book would be a great addition to any collection!!!