This listing is for 3 Spools - Heminway Bartlet HB-15 - Nylon - 8 oz Net, 9296 Light Blue/green
Uniset - Nylon - Thread
These will ship via USPS Priority Padded Envelope
FREE SHIPPING IN THE USAONLY. Shipping carrier orservice subject to change. Most of our items areitems We found For You. They will be either new, displays,refurbished, product returns, etc. All of them have been checked andtested (where possible). Any items are new or open box unless otherwisespecified. Please note that all trademarks and copyrights are acknowledged, they are onlyused for informative description of the items offered for sale. Allitems are authentic as evidenced in photos, legally acquired and owned, andhence covered under First Sale Doctrine. Theywill be marked as New or Open Box UNLESS they are used, where they will bemarked as such. Refurbished will always be marked asused. Many of our items are multiples, so feel free to order as manyas you would like. Theproduct image is the actual item you will receive including all contents unlessotherwise noted. We do not use stock photos outside of the listingmain photo on selected items. Weare a reseller- second hand store, and not able to provide specific fitmentinformation. However, we can provide additional product specs (if we have them)so that you can determine if the item will work for you. YOU MUST CONFIRM PRIORTO ORDER, THAT THESE PRODUCTS ARE ONES THAT WILL WORK FOR YOU. We DONOT accept returns because you ordered the wrong part, etc. We will,however, take full responsibility if we have made a mistake on thelisting. I make no guarantees onany of these items. (Especially on beauty, medical or homeopathicitems. All that I am selling will still be sealed and boxed from themanufacturer unless specified.) They are all items that I have found throughdifferent sources. Sorry, but with all thefraud going on out there, we will require photo’s and/or product returns priorto issuing any refunds for broken items in shipping. Please note: I makeevery effort to get your order out to you either the day of the order or thenext day. (About 85% of my orders go out the same or nextday). I do work out of town quite a bit, so it may take up to threedays (Which is why I have listed a three day turn around), depending on whatday it is ordered and my work schedule. Thank you for yourunderstanding.