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Product description: NEW EVIDENCES OF A revival is a burst of religious enthusiasm, a spectacular bit of frenzy that dies away as quickly as it comes - right? Wrong - if the Timor revival means anything. In this book, Mel Tari adds to the documentation he began in Like a Mighty Wind. On his native island in Indonesia, he says, Moslems and animists are still coming to accept Jesus Christ. Incurable illnesses are still being mircaulously healed. Satanic powers are still being overcome. Water is still being turned into wine for Communion services. The dead are still being raised back to life. And Christians are still growing and maturing in their faith. The Holy Spirit's surge of activity continues unabated. Which may tell us that revival is more the result of human openness and humility than of any alleged heavenly whimsy. Revival continues so long as we make room for it. So long as we do not tell ourselves, "This can't be hapening." Indonesian believers have lived in its stream since 1965. And the gentle breeze is not limited to the South Pacific.