Luxury isn't cheap. And if you're looking for that luxury brand designer bag that will last you for years to come, then you'll need to be willing to pay for it. I have what you're looking for. This authentic Escada Sport Italian-made designer handbag has been used less than 5% and it is in more than very good condition. The bag is made of leather with a serial number. There is a small color fading on one part bottom of the bag. I applied and will continue applying a leather conditioner as well before I ship it. The color is the second image. The last picture I photographed it from the outside.

I am sure you understand that when you buy something from me, I want you to be happy with your purchase. Please take a moment to review all of the pictures of what you're buying so we can avoid any misunderstandings or disappointment later on. Go ahead and zoom all the pictures in and out as offered that feature (so there’s really no excuse for not inspecting every inch of my item).

Item is sold AS IS therefore, If you have question(s) ASKS before you purchase the item.

I made a choice of "NO RETURNS, NO REFUNDS POLICY” because I've had the misfortune of having previous buyers who decided they didn't want what they bought from me. It's sad to say that when they send it back, it's ruined.

If you refuse to abide by my “NO RETURNS POLICY and choose to open a case , please be aware that YOU will be responsible for paying for your own shipping label. You should also know that I have two days to inspect your return item, so if the condition of the product is different than what I shipped out, I will file a claim with on my behalf.

I will ship within 3 days. 

Payment must be made within 3 business days of confirming purchase or I will cancel your order.