Marod Phali Helicteres isora 100% REAL AYURVEDIC PURE & NATURAL Free Worldwide Shipping 100Gm To 1kg
Helicteres isora is most commonly known as Marori, Marorphali, Marodphali, Enthani, Mriga-shinga, Kevani, Varkati, Dhiniani, Valumbirikai, Atmorha, and East Indian Screw tree. In Sanskrit it is called Avartani, and Mriga-shinga which literally means deer’s horn.
The tree is named so because of the appearance of its pods (fruits) which are peculiarly twisted. The pods are singular-looking contorted capsule, consisting of five fibers closely twisted together in the form of a screw. It is of various lengths varying from one inch to two, and a half.
Various parts of Helicteres isora possess important medicinal properties. The understanding of properties helps to better utilize the herb. These also indicate the conditions in which we should avoid its internal use. For example, the roots, and stem bark are, anti-galactagogue which means an agent for suppressing lactation. Therefore it should not be used during breastfeeding. Below is given medicinal properties along with meaning. Pods & Bark
· Anti-dysenteric: Relieving or preventing dysentery.
· Antidiarrheal: Relieving or preventing diarrhea.
· Astringents: Constrict tissues; styptic.
· Anti-bilious: Serving to prevent or cure biliousness or excess secretion of bile.
· Antioxidant: Neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals, and other substances.
· Anthelmintic: Antiparasitic, expel Parasitic worms (helminths), and other internal parasites from the body.
· Demulcent: Relieving inflammation or irritation.
Root & Stembark
· Anti-diabetic: Manages diabetes.
· Anti-hyperglycemic: Counteracting high levels of glucose in the blood.
· Astringents: Constrict tissues; styptic.
· Antigalactagogue: Prevents breast milk.
· Anodyne: Relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness.
· Demulcent: Relieving inflammation or irritation.
· Expectorant: Promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to treat coughs
· Hepatoprotective: Prevent damage to the liver.
· Hypolipidemic: Lowers lipid level in blood.
Medicinal Uses of Helicteres isora (Marorphali)According to the doctrine of signatures, the shape, appearance of the plant part itself suggests its use. The pods of Maror phali are twisted like intestine, and it is mainly used in the treatment of intestinal complaints such as colic, flatulence diarrhea, and dysentery. Other important medicinal use include in diabetes, and locally in otorrhoea (discharge from ear).
The fruit, and bark of Marorphali are astringent in gripes, anti-diarrheal, and anthelmintic. They are used most commonly in the treatment of intestinal complaints such as griping in the bowels, and flatulence, diarrhea, dysentery, and worm infestation.
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