Voices Unite in Joyful PraiseO God, Eternal Father, Lord(Choral Score) - Organ, opt. Brass Quartet - SATB - Medium - Easter - Eternal Father, Lord(Choral Score) Voices Unite in Joyful PraiseO God - Creation/Nature. - Choral - Festive setting of GELOBT SEI GOTT. First text (composer) calls on all creation to sing of new life begun and victory won. Second text (Jaroslav Vajda) is hymn of praise to the Trinity incorporating traditional alleluias associated with tune. Easter theme overtones. - MorningStar Music Publishers

  • Lord(Choral Score) Voices Unite in Joyful PraiseO God Eternal Father

Binding: Sheet music

Label: MorningStar Music Publishers

Manufacturer: MorningStar Music Publishers

Publication Date: 1971

Publisher: MorningStar Music Publishers

Studio: MorningStar Music Publishers