we sell some of the best handbags you can find online

High quality genuine leather women handbags are the latest styles of shoulder bags, crossbody bags and messenger bags. Our designer's passion for fine workmanship and choice of materials insures a long lasting and stylish bag. This exceptional handbag collection takes into consideration functionality, fashion, style and comfort. These fashionable handbag designs are crafted from the finest quality genuine leather, rich textiles and top-notch hardware inlays.

Brand Name: Go MeetingOne Type: Handbags Main Material: Genuine Leather Lining Material: Polyester Gender: Women Handbags Type: Shoulder Bags Number of Handles/Straps: Single Exterior: None Types of bags: Shoulder & Handbags Hardness: Hard Occasion: Versatile Interior: Interior Zipper Pocket, Interior Slot Pocket, Cell Phone Pocket Model Number:H012Style: Fashion Decoration: None Ge nine Leather Type: Cow Leather Closure Type: Zipper & Hasp Pattern Type: Solid Shape: Satchels