Nice to meet you, my old and new friends!
Welcome to my private collection of very special and unique items.
Exclusively by izida
Direct binding
He is the Mysterious Spirit.
He is a Spirit of Death and Life, and possesses a Great Magick Powers.
He is the Divine Escort and Bodyguard, who serve humans and other spirits.
He offers Spiritual Protection, and can ward off the Evil Eye, promotes Personal Fertility, and magically averts Death. He may drive away Ghosts and many evil spirits.
He is a healing spirit associated with therapeutic spa sanctuaries.
He is wild, and sometimes may to be rambunctious.
He is a spiritual caretaker of the cemetery.
He is the Master of the libido, he presides over the start and conclusion of life.
He is beyond social taboos. He has the Freedom to do anything he please.
He is irreverent spirit who mocks sanctimony, hypocrisy and primness. He enjoy sex, ribaldry, and obscenities.
He likes to reveal his secrets, he is honest, but can be rude, and painfully truthful.
When you get him to answer a question for you, he will tell you the truth.
He is a fierce Protector of children. He can be a powerful healer, especially on behalf of children.
His specialty is terminal illness, as He is Death's doorkeeper.
He may also be invoked for fertility.
Although he involved with issues of life and death, he will help with money or material needs if it keeper’s welfare is under the threat.
He is the Prince of the Cemetery, the Lord of the Dead. He is a great Healer, and a tremendous Guardian of Children.
Invoke him if you have business in the cemetery, especially of a magical nature, if you are planning digging for graveyard dirt, take the cemetery rocks, communing with the dead, raising the dead, and if you seek the information about someone who has passed over - he has it.
Direct binding will be performed into your auric field to create an instant access to one of the most ancient and powerful being.
Don't miss the opportunity to have SUCH Power on your side!
Will be needed your full name and date of born, and preferably if possible your photo.
This is an online service, nothing will be shipped to you.
Payment Policy
I accept PayPal and Stripe.
By Legal Laws I am required to state the following: You must be 18 years old in the U.S. to purchase any Magic, Paranormal, or Psychic services. Services are considered purchased for the intentions of "entertainment only" by Law and this is not to be used as a substitute for professional care. I am also not responsible for any of harm from all the objects that I sell. You buy at your own risk. All of them are NOT in place of any treatment, legal aid, physician's care or advice of any kind. Please consult your GP or doctor for that. No specific result(s) can be guaranteed. I am not personally liable, in any way, for the results of the actions taken by the buyer. This is an "at your own risk" purchase. Any resulting effects in the real world you may or may not experience are in no way the responsibility of the seller. You agree to these terms and fully understand prior to making a purchase. As with all spirits, entries, and other magickals I can't be responsible for what happens or doesn't happen once you purchase your item.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Good luck and let all your paths will be blessed with
Peace and Love