1 - Black Walnut Tree - Ships Now

The trees are dormant now, and they are lifted from the beds and sent as bareroot. Nice hefty 15+ inch trees.

The Black Walnut is fairly popular over much of the country for its healthy edible nuts. The Black Walnut is (Juglans nigra), a native of the central to eastern parts of the country, and planted across much of the country. Nice shade tree, nuts, and incredible wood used for lumber, furniture and flooring. They can grow in most climates and growing conditions, from drier areas to colder northern regions, in most soils. Plant them in the garden or landscape design where they can be seen, but away from parking areas and walkways as the tree and roots can get very large. Typically a single tall tree, with multiple sprouts possible. Masses of tiny petal-less flowers produces green nuts by late-Summer, where the husks blacken and drop as the nuts become ripe. Good for eating (but tough to crack), smaller meat than other types of walnuts, and very flavorful.  Plant singly, in lines, or nut plantations. Hardy from Zones 5 to 9, and heights can get 30 to 60 feet tall. Prefers full sun, moderate water, most soils, but certainly loamy moist composty-like soils is better.

What we Send:

     This tree was seed-grown. Fast grower, initially sent as 12 to 16 inches. Nice trees, they are really amazing to watch grow! Verified as a "good" hardy plant checked before packing. These are dormant, may be trimmed back, and the long taproot may be trimmed also. Carefully wrapped as bareroot, so they will arrive in good shape, even if dry-looking, the roots are full of water. Pot them when they arrive, or outplant now and cover with mulch. Plant these about 6+ inches deep, depending on the roots spread out.

Shipping weight is about 1 pound.

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Plan on this:

If you live in the Southern half of the country, order starting November, and take delivery now. Plant (or pot) the tree right away. You can plant as long as your ground is not frozen. Put a thick layer of mulch around it. Get planted by mid-April before the weather gets too warm for us to ship.

If you live in the Northern half of the country, order during the late Winter, and take delivery early. Pot up your tree and hold it in a dark, cool, moist location, that will get a minimal amount of light and some moisture, but cool enough to keep it dormant until you can plant it outdoors. Plant as soon as your ground thaws. After planting, put a thick layer of mulch around it.

* * * * *

And... "Get the Book", on Ama_zon Kin _dle, an easy-to-read how-to book about this tree. Planting instructions, fertilizing and pruning, and more. See the picture for Title and Author name, then get it on Ama_zon.

Easy How-To Grow Trees for Privacy Screens and Windbreaks : 10 Fast Growing Trees You Should Plant

By: William A. Jack


 * * * * *

Our Shop Policy Terms & Conditions:

Payment: Best with PayPal.

Shipping: Priority Mail, will have tracking. Paypal will send an automated ship-confirmation message with your tracking number. Best to keep watch of your delivery as postal delays have been common.

Returns: Yes, gladly accept this back within the first 14-days of receipt. You would pack it carefully, Buyers cost to send it back. This is an "all sales are final" after 14-days of receipt, of which we will not accept returns or refunds.

Replacements: If your package arrives damaged or "lost" according to the tracking, then we will send a replacement order. Please let us know immediately, if after the 14-days from delivery according to the tracking), then we there will be a replacement charge to cover shipping and handling. Outside of 14-days, if we agree to a replacement, then there will be a shipping and handling cost of $9.95, payable prior to re-shipment.

Other: We make no assurances of growth or performance, other than we inspect all plants, and that you will get your order as quickly as possible. Once shipped, we can not guarantee survival or any other assurances, whether expressed or implied. By making this purchase, you are agreeing to these terms.

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We are We are Empire National Nursery, LLc, and we ship nationwide. We grow a lot of items that we hope to get listed in the near future, including:

Quaking Aspen

Thornless Blackberries

Horse Chestnut

Ohio and Red Buckeyes

Carolina Silverbell

Pecan and Hazelnuts

Elderberry Plants

Black Aronia Berry

Shade Trees -Maples, Catalpa

Flowering Trees - Plums and Pears

Paw Paw


Red Mulberry

Cornelian Cherry Dogwood

Fruit Trees - Cherry, Apple, Plum, Pear, and Peach

Weeping Willow

 and the Ameri-Willow, our Fast Growing Hybrid!

Interested in trees and plants? Fast growing trees, fast growing shrubs, flowering plants, trees for landscaping home and garden. Watch for our listings... We mostly ship from November through May. Order Early for the Best selection. Prices, and terms & conditions are different on our website. Check it out, see the Catalog (www.empirenationalnursery.com).

Have a question? Please feel free to ask...

Feel free to contact us at:

Empire National Nursery, LLc

15746 Highway 174

Mount Vernon, MO 65712