A set of 6 KIK (key-in-knob) cylinders, progressively pinned, some with spool drivers others without.  These are highest quality, brand new lock cylinders with tolerances very near to OEM (perfect for practicing).

Keyed as shown below:

3-Pinned w/SC keyway
3-Pinned w/SC keyway and spool drivers in all positions
5-Pinned w/SC keyway
5-Pinned w/SC keyway and spool drivers in all positions
6-Pinned w/SC keyway
6-Pinned w/SC keyway and spool drivers in all positions

Cylinders are standard sized KIK -- will fit any of our GSR Enterprises practice stands or work stations
All cylinders are entirely rekeyable using standard procedures and tools

Ideal for hobbyists, property managers seeking to improve manipulation skills, and aficionados of Locksport.