Visually inspected by owner: Paperback as pictured, marks/highlighting, legibility not an issue, binding and cover very good. We ship, M-F by 4pm, and Sat. by 12pm, with tracking info.
Additional Details
Product description: This book is designed, like its predecessor, "Philippians in the Greek New Testament," for use on the Christian's study table alongside of his Bible. The book is a simplified Greek commentary, making available to the Bible student who is not acquainted with Greek, and who has had no formal training in Bible study, a wealth of informative and explanatory material that will throw a flood of light upon his English Bible. The translation offered is what might be called a fuller translation, using more words than a standard version of the Scriptures in order to bring out more of the richness of the Greek, and make certain passages clearer, where the condensed literality of the standard translations tends to obscure their meaning. The eighteen units into which the book is divided can be used as a basis for a series of Bible expositions or expository sermons. The index makes it possible for the student to turn quickly to any verse desired.