Pipe Lore
A Gentleman's Magazine
April, 1940
Volume VII, Number 3
New York: Wally Frank, Ltd.
Rare issue of Pipe Lore magazine from April, 1940! These magazines are closer to sales catalogs or sales circulars though they also contain some general content on pipes as well. This issue features a color cover of British painter Sir Luke Feldes.
Wally Frank, Ltd. was one of America's oldest and most respected names in pipes and tobaccos. He operated a chain of tobacco stores in New York and had a vast catalog business for pipes and pipe tobaccos. Their numerous private-label pipes were made by many makers, including Charatan, Sasieni, Weber, and many others. Wally Frank, Ltd. also owned the Pioneer brand of meerschaum pipes, made from both Turkish and African meerschaum.
24 pages. 825" x 5.5. Illustrated. Please see the other Pipe Lore magazines I have posted in my store, Maxitivity.