100 HEIRLOOM STRAWFLOWER mix (helichrysum monstrosum ] seeds
Season: Annual
Height: 2-4 Feet
Bloom Season: Summer/Fall
Environment: Sun/Moist very drained.
Zones: All regions of North America
Strawflower [ Helichrysum Monstrosum ] is warm-weather annuals or short-lived perennial. It produces loads of vibrant 2-3 inch papery pompom-like flowers. Colors include red, yellow, purple, white and rose. The ?petals? are actually bracts surrounding the central disc of florets. The bracts are papery with a straw-like, crackly texture, which is why they are called strawflowers. The flowers are known as an "everlasting" because they will last indefinitely when dried. Blooms over a very long season
Strawflower [ Helichrysum Monstrosum ] has thin, lance-shaped, grayish-green leaves up to 5 inches long and sandpapery, hollow, branching stems that can reach 3 to 4 feet. The plant is very easy to grow, and it tolerates both heat and drought.
The plant is an excellent cut flower.
The plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds.
Sow Inside: Before last frost
Sow Outside: Spring after last frost.
Seed Depth: Press lightly onto soil surface.
Days to Emerge: 10 to 14